With Industry 4.0 technologies revolutionizing the processes of industries at different junctures, Soothsayer's expertise in utilizing key pieces of data obtained from these sources enables manufacturers to explore a wide range of possibilities with solutions powered by Artificial intelligence that provide a strategic advantage of identifying hidden connections in the data beyond traditional statistics and analytics.

Beyond exploring business development possibilities, Soothsayer's proficiency in futuristic technologies helps manufacturers deliver results with higher efficiency by identifying redundancies and predicting machine failures which ensures higher reliability and availability of key machinery

Soothsayer has helped dozens of Fortune 1000 & Midsize companies capture ROI via custom A.I. solutions

  • Predict Failures of Equipment & Machines
  • Predict Key Performance Parameters to Optimize Quality, Production & Cost
  • Forecast Customer Demand & Supplier Delays Several Years Out
  • Optimize Inventory & Order Fulfillment at 1,000+ Locations
  • Utilize Internet of Things (IoT) Data for Various Purposes
  • Detect, Classify, and Predict Defects in Products (Computer Vision)
  • Identify Failures, Fraud, and Insight from Massive Amounts of Text

Key uses of Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing

Enhance end-product quality

AI helps maintain and improve product quality, be it through catching defects, anticipating issues, improving processes or scrap reduction

Improved process efficiency

Maximize yield while controlling material and energy costs and maintaining quality. Minimize unplanned downtimes

Reduced operational risks

Predict and prevent extreme events and parameters going out of bounds to keep your plant safe

Ensure compliance with environmental regulations

Predict and control harmful impacts of emissions and effluents to stay compliant

Environmental, social, and corporate governance

Lead the charge in sustainability. Identify where you stand against your peers on relevant metrics

Increase savings with procurement transformation

Reduce your procurement spend by predicting price and demand, removing duplicate materials, optimizing ordering schedules and improving negotiation with suppliers

Case Studies