Higher availability and reliability are key factors for the utility industry considering their importance for day-to-day usage. Artificial intelligence enables utilities to analyze the performance of key machinery to optimize the processes and predict failures. Soothsayer's innovative solutions have enabled major utilities to maximize their strengths and reduce flaws in their production, distribution, and trading processes.

Soothsayer has helped dozens of Fortune 1000 & Midsize companies capture ROI via custom A.I. solutions

  • Higher reliability and availability of heavy machinery
  • Identify redundancies to simplify the processes
  • Optimize processes to deliver results with higher efficiency
  • Analyze and predict market needs to manage supply chain
  • Predict grid stability by simulating contingencies
  • Identify underground wire damage using sensor and meter readings

Key uses of Artificial Intelligence in Utilities

Optimization for Solar and Wind powered electric grids

AI can help achieve an optimal component size of the system as well as determine the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of the optimized system.

Accounts receivable for commercial customers

Predicting the likelihood of an invoice defaulting allows for better overall financial planning.

Predicting grid stability by simulating contingencies

AI can classify grid responses to contingencies as stable or unstable by analyzing the resultant signals.

Detecting faults in underground cables

AI can be used to detect underground cable faults in advance using Machine Learning by making use of AMI and GIS data among other data sources.

Text Analytics on customer and technician comments

Patterns and topics can be identified from customer complaints and follow-up technician comments by using Natural Language Processing.