Soothsayer has a mature IOT & Big Data team that has architected and deployed custom, large-scale ecosystems and applications for various organizations. Our expertise spans every aspect of IOT & Big Data including the underlying algorithms, sensors, open-source technologies, and leading platforms. We provide an unbiased perspective and skillset that will dramatically hasten your time-to-value.

To harness the Internet of Things requires an understanding of systems, sensors, modeling, simulation, big data, connected devices, and advanced analytics – all while emphasizing human behavior, and representing a rich interconnection between parts. This is bread and butter to what we do, but IOT is just a curtain that covers the real value – the data you will collect. Soothsayer synthesizes all of these skills to build custom solutions that drive positive business impact for forward-thinking organizations. Our team has solved a wide-array of problems that involve tapping sensor data and doing things such as predicting the failure of manufacturing equipment, cell phone towers, and medical devices. We also help companies assess their current production environments and institute roadmaps for integrating various Industry 4.0 technologies.

IoT solutions

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