Historically, most decisions made by an organization were the result of domain knowledge and intuitive understanding by senior executives. Modern organizations are much more complex and exhibit previously unseen levels of uncertainly. As such, adopting a data-driven process is critical to future success, as it allows stakeholders to make scientifically supported decisions rather than relying solely on domain expertise or intuition.

AI roadmap
AI advisory
data analytics advisory
ai solutions

A.I. Strategy & Solutions for Data-Driven Transformation

  • Identify, Prioritize, and Detail Business Problems
  • Translate Objectives into a Data Science Context
  • Define How Models Will Scale & Deploy
  • Advise on Strategies to Source, Store, Manage, and Label Data
  • Architect Solutions, Teams, Timeline, Efforts, Algorithms, and Methods
  • Build Custom Algorithms & Artificial Intelligence-Driven Solutions

Soothsayer helps with everything from developing custom, multi-year roadmaps to designing extremely detailed solution architectures to the most challenging business problems. We will demystify Artificial Intelligence, help your stakeholders understand where and how it can be applied, then identify and prioritize use cases based on “pain vs. gain”.

Once problems have been identified and defined, the next step is to develop the solution architecture. Soothsayer can be leveraged for the design and development of any of your Data Science initiatives. This involves forming a deep understanding of selected business problems, identifying pertinent data, defining objectives, determining timelines, and quantifying ROI. Each aspect of the process will be rigorously captured in a Data Science Blueprint that will drive your strategies for years to come.

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